Elizabeth Corbett
Elizabeth Corbett received her early dance training in Rochester New York, and graduated from the National Academy of Arts in Champaign, Illinois.Elizabeth Corbett danced with the Joffrey Ballet and the Milwaukee Ballet before she moved to Europe. There, she became a soloist with William Forsythe’s Frankfurt Ballet and danced for over a decade in works including Love Songs, Artifact, In the Middle Somewhat Elevated, Enemy in the Figure, Steptext, Behind the China Dogs and other Forsythe works. Ms. Corbett now teaches ballet, improvisation technologies, and Forsythe repertory internationally. She was Dance Coordinator for Anne Teresa DeKeersmaeker’s school of contemporary dance, PARTS, in Brussels from 1999 - 2005 and danced in a work created for her by Ms. DeKeesmaeker in a Rosas/Impulstanz production called With/For/By. She has been choreographic assistant to William Forsythe, Ms. De Keersmaeker and for Robert Wilson in productions for the Paris Opera and Rosas. Ms. Corbett has taught classes and workshops for dance companies, festivals and schools around the world including PARTS/Rosas, Impulstanz Vienna, Cullberg Ballet, Paris Opera Ballet, University of the Arts Philadel- phia, Movement Research, Dance Platform Istanbul, Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts and Beijing Dance Academy where she received an honorary degree. She is a recent MFA graduate from Hollins University and was awarded a Rosenberg Distinguished Artist grant from Towson University, and a Hollins University fellowship. Ms. Corbett choreographs internationally, most recently for the National Academy of Arts in Oslo, Norway. Corbett premiered two new works in 2022, one for New Ballet Ensemble in Memphis, TN, and most recently for St. Louis’ COCA Dance. Her choreographic process builds on the dancers’ strengths, balanced by an invitation to dialogue, and artistic collaboration. Photo by Weiss